All University employees and officers are expected to comply with all laws and University polices concerning ethics. As many provisions of the Ethics Law and University policies include conditional exceptions it is important to thoroughly read the regulations and reach out to the Ethics Compliance Advisor with any questions or concerns.
The Ethics Compliance Advisor works closely with Internal Audit, Compliance and Risk Management, WSU Division of the Attorney General Office, and the Executive Ethics Board.
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Responsibility for ethical compliance rests with the individual employee as well as any supervisors who allow employee action or inaction. It is imperative that as a state employee or officer that you are familiar with the principals of Washington state ethics laws.
To protect employees and ensure overall compliance the University promotes ethics training to all employees – Administrative Professionals, Classified Staff, Faculty, and Temporary/Hourly employees. Along with the State Ethics Law training through Human Resource Services the Ethics Compliance Advisor is available to provide guidance on interpretation and ensuring employees act within the constraints of the law in carrying out the duties of their respective positions.